She said she found it amusing that her noble intentions during the day have been misconstrued.
"As one of 17 owners of the house I have every right to celebrate a party with invited family and friends at my own cost," she said in a statement.
She was responding to a statement by Justin Sedomon, the eldest son of OKK Sedomon Gunsanad.
She said the people who came that day were invited not for their political affiliation but because she enjoyed their company.
"It was an open invitation made in the newspaper and the whole State was made aware of this in several news releases," she said.
She said the UBF is a non-partisan civil rights movement and not a political party.
She said it is time to embrace the reality that opposition leaders are just as capable as Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders.
"They have every right to be accorded the same level of respect and hospitality when invited to people's homes and parties."
"I believe that in the next election, it is absolutely possible for Musa Aman to shake Yong Teck Lee's hands and for Najib to shake the hands of Anwar Ibrahim," Nilakrisna said in a statement.
"I have made a very clear stand in UBF and Upko that I stand on the side of the Barisan Nasional."
She explained that her friendship with the leaders of SAPP and other opposition parties will not stop just because of "my intention to one day lead the State as a BN leader".
"If there is anything wrong with that then I believe it is for the leader of the Barisan Nasional, the Prime Minister, to make a party policy on the issue which should be publicly stated.
"If I don't agree with a Barisan Nasional issue I will make it very clear in my press statements.
Meanwhile, SAPP Vice President Datuk Chua Soon Bui said UBF was welcome to use SAPP as its vehicle in the coming election.
She said SAPP as a party together with UBF as an NGO have organised seminars and dialogues lately and they have found that both share the same mission and vision for the people of Sabah, including autonomy for the State.
"We found that, we are very close along that mission," she said while asked to comment about the rumours that UBF led by Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan will be joining SAPP.
Chua who is also Tawau MP hoped that eventually an agreement can be reach between these political players, especially Pakatan Rakyat (PR) because SAPP doesn't want to marginalise any Sabah based-party.
Sources: Daily Express Sabah
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